Summer knocks on Europe's door

Summer seems to be knocking on Europe’s door. Sweet! A suitable sound fort his season is made by Summer Heart. This is the project of David Alexander. A swedish dude with a pretty perfect sense of beauty. Fiveteen years ago he took a guitar in his hands, 5 years later he started his voice. Ten more years, he produced several epic songs. Blearing vocals accompanied by dreamy happy melodies.
Out of the blue, David became Summer Heart. “It just happened. I do love summer. But I love autumn and spring as well. And sometimes even the winter!” It is what is does to most people, summer makes him happy. Just like drinking a cup of coffee in the sun and lots of other random things.
His new album, About a Feeling, is just released. It is a homemade masterpiece. “Built on my laptop, no fancy production or so.” The single A Million Times, was released in March. After listening this song as much as the title says, boredom does not come up.
The dreamy character is visualised in the snapshots on his website. David took almost every one of them himself. He pictures his daily life on a magical way. This daily life is based in Malmö Sweden. Not the perfect place for Summer Heart. “I like big cities, but also the countryside. I prefer to be near the sea though.”
Summer Heart is on several European stages this festival season. He just came back from his tour through the continent.


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